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Morais, H.* ; Cruzeiro, C. ; Pardal, M.A.* ; Cardoso, P.G.*

Baseline progestins characterization in surface waters of three main Portuguese estuaries.

Mar. Pollut. Bull. 194:115352 (2023)
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Synthetic progestins are micropollutants of special concern, due to their growing use in human and veterinary therapies and their risks to aquatic life. Currently, there is a lack of environmental information on these compounds, worldwide. The main objective of this work was to characterize the levels of the most consumed progestins in Portugal. For that, Ria de Aveiro, Tagus estuary and Ria Formosa were sampled in a temporal perspective to evaluate levels of drospirenone (DRO), desogestrel (DSG), gestodene (GST) and levonorgestrel (LNG). Drospirenone and desogestrel were the most abundant progestins. In the North of Portugal, DSG was the most abundant (Aveiro: 193.9 ng L-1 in summer), while DRO was more representative in the South (Tagus: 178.9 ng L-1; Formosa: 125.7 ng L-1) and also in summer. These spatial differences can be associated with the hydrodynamics of each estuarine system as well as the distinct population and tourist levels associated with each site.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Coastal Areas ; Pollution ; Progestogens ; Synthetic Hormones ; Water Quality; Adversely Affect Reproduction; Synthetic Progestins; Waste-water; Ria Formosa; Lagoon; Progesterone; Progestogens; Aveiro
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0025-326X
e-ISSN 1879-3363
Quellenangaben Volume: 194, Issue: Pt B, Pages: , Article Number: 115352 Supplement: ,
Publisher Elsevier
Publishing Place The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford Ox5 1gb, England
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
project Ocean3R
FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology
MCTES (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education), through the POPH (Human Potential Operational Program)
FCT - European Social Fund
European Union through the ERDF
Portugal 2020
project GLOBALED