Massive, parallelized 3D stem cell cultures for engineering in vitro human cell types require imaging methods with high time and spatial resolution to fully exploit technological advances in cell culture technologies. Here, we introduce a large-scale integrated microfluidic chip platform for automated 3D stem cell differentiation. To fully enable dynamic high-content imaging on the chip platform, we developed a label-free deep learning method called Bright2Nuc to predict in silico nuclear staining in 3D from confocal microscopy bright-field images. Bright2Nuc was trained and applied to hundreds of 3D human induced pluripotent stem cell cultures differentiating toward definitive endoderm on a microfluidic platform. Combined with existing image analysis tools, Bright2Nuc segmented individual nuclei from bright-field images, quantified their morphological properties, predicted stem cell differentiation state, and tracked the cells over time. Our methods are available in an open-source pipeline, enabling researchers to upscale image acquisition and phenotyping of 3D cell culture.
Institute(s)Helmholtz Pioneer Campus (HPC) Institute of AI for Health (AIH)
GrantsHightech Agenda Bayern Helmholtz Association under the joint research school "Munich School for Data Science-MUDS F. Hoffmann-La Roche Helmholtz Pioneer Campus European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union