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Silvaieh, S.* ; König, T.* ; Wurm, R.* ; Parvizi, T.* ; Berger-Sieczkowski, E.* ; Goeschl, S.* ; Hotzy, C.* ; Wagner, M. ; Berutti, R.* ; Sammler, E.* ; Stogmann, E.* ; Zimprich, A.*

Comprehensive genetic screening of early-onset dementia patients in an Austrian cohort-suggesting new disease-contributing genes.

Hum. Genomics 17:55 (2023)
Publ. Version/Full Text DOI PMC
Open Access Gold
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Early-onset dementia (EOD), with symptom onset before age 65, has a strong genetic burden. Due to genetic and clinical overlaps between different types of dementia, whole-exome sequencing (WES) has emerged as an appropriate screening method for diagnostic testing and novel gene-finding approaches. We performed WES and C9orf72 repeat testing in 60 well-defined Austrian EOD patients. Seven patients (12%) carried likely disease-causing variants in monogenic genes, PSEN1, MAPT, APP, and GRN. Five patients (8%) were APOE4 homozygote carriers. Definite and possible risk variants were detected in the genes TREM2, SORL1, ABCA7 and TBK1. In an explorative approach, we cross-checked rare gene variants in our cohort with a curated neurodegeneration candidate gene list and identified DCTN1, MAPK8IP3, LRRK2, VPS13C and BACE1 as promising candidate genes. Conclusively, 12 cases (20%) carried variants relevant to patient counseling, comparable to previously reported studies, and can thus be considered genetically resolved. Reduced penetrance, oligogenic inheritance and not yet identified high-risk genes might explain the high number of unresolved cases. To address this issue, we provide complete genetic and phenotypic information (uploaded to the European Genome-phenome Archive), enabling other researchers to cross-check variants. Thereby, we hope to increase the chance of independently finding the same gene/variant-hit in other well-defined EOD patient cohorts, thus confirming new genetic risk variants or variant combinations.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Early-onset Dementia ; Genetic Variants ; Whole-exome Sequencing; Alzheimers-disease; Diagnostic-criteria; Cerebrospinal-fluid; Lrrk2 Kinase; Mutations; Phenotype; Variant; Heterogeneity; Transport
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1473-9542
e-ISSN 1479-7364
Journal Human genomics
Quellenangaben Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Pages: , Article Number: 55 Supplement: ,
Publisher Stewart
Publishing Place London
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed