OBJECTIVE: Hypothyroidism has been proposed as a potential contributor to steatotic liver disease (SLD), but existing data shows conflicting results in euthyroid subjects. Therefore, we investigated the association between thyroid function and intrahepatic lipids (IHLs) during a 36-months randomized controlled trial evaluating a diet known to reduce liver fat. DESIGN: 502 eligible subjects (aged 50 to 80 y, ≥ 1 risk factor for unhealthy aging) were randomly assigned to either follow a diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids, plant protein and fiber (intervention group, IG), or dietary recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (control group (CG)). METHODS: Serum levels of thyroid hormones (THs) as well as IHLs, defined via magnetic resonance spectroscopy, were measured within an euthyroid subgroup without significant alcohol consumption at baseline (n = 332) and after 12 months (n = 243). Ratio of T3/T4 was used to assess whole body deiodinase activity. Estimates of glucose and lipid metabolism were analyzed. RESULTS: Only fT3 and T3/T4 ratio showed a significant positive correlation with IHL at baseline. We observed a significant decline in fT3, T3, fT3/fT4 ratio and T3/T4 ratio in CG and IG after 12 months without significant differences between groups. TSH, fT4 and T4 remained stable. A larger improvement of IHL during dietary intervention was seen in those subjects with a lower decline in T3 concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: Altered TH balance indicates a possible compensatory upregulation of whole body TH activity in subjects with increased liver fat. This might be also relevant during improvement of hepatic steatosis.
GrantsBundesministerium fur Forschung und Bildung (BMBF) Bundesministerium fur Forschung und Bildung (BMBF, German Federal Ministry) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research foundation)