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Rathnayake, S.N.H.* ; Cruz, J.* ; Cuevas Ocaña, S.* ; Lehmann, M. ; Demeyer, H.*

The more stars, the brighter! Interview with the ECM award winner 2023.

Breathe 20:240175 (2024)
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Open Access Gold
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In this early career forum, the 2023 ECM awardee shares her insights into research, her career path, her personal life and collaborations (@Mkg_Lehmann) https://bit.ly/4f0AiVY.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Editorial
Corresponding Author
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1810-6838
e-ISSN 2073-4735
Journal Breathe
Quellenangaben Volume: 20, Issue: 3, Pages: , Article Number: 240175 Supplement: ,
Publisher Maney Publishing
Publishing Place Leeds
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed