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Steger, A.* ; Barthel, P.* ; Müller, A.* ; Rückert-Eheberg, I.-M. ; Linkohr, B. ; Allescher, J.* ; Maier, M.* ; Hapfelmeier, A.* ; Martens, E.* ; Heidegger, H.H.* ; Müller, A.M.* ; Rizas, K.D.* ; Kääb, S.* ; Sinner, M.F.* ; Sinnecker, D.* ; Laugwitz, K.L.* ; Peters, A. ; Schmidt, G.*

Deceleration capacity derived from a five-minute electrocardiogram predicts mortality in the general population.

Sci. Rep. 14:30566 (2024)
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In contemporary healthcare, effective risk stratification in the general population is vital amidst rising chronic disease rates and an ageing demographic. Deceleration Capacity of the heart rate (DC), derived from 24-hour Holter electrocardiograms, holds promise in risk stratification for cardiac patients. However, the potential of short-term electrocardiograms of five minutes duration for population screening has not been fully explored. Our study aims to investigate the utility of Deceleration Capacity derived from short-term electrocardiograms as a scalable, fully-automated screening tool for predicting long-term mortality risk in the general population. Within a cohort of a representative population-based survey in Germany (KORA-KMC-study), 823 participants with sinus rhythm aged 27 to 76 years at enrollment (females 47.4%) were followed for a median of 13.4 years (IQR 13.1-13.6). All-cause mortality was defined as the primary endpoint and observed in 159 participants. Deceleration Capacity was calculated from 5-minute 12-lead electrocardiograms by a fully automated approach. Participants were divided into three predefined risk categories: DCcategory0 - low-risk (> 4.5ms); DCcategory1 - intermediate-risk (2.5-4.5ms); and DCcategory2 - high-risk (≤ 2.5ms). More than two-thirds of the participants (n = 564, 68.5%) fell into DCcategory0, about one-fifth (n = 168, 20.4%) into DCcategory1, and about one-tenth (n = 91, 11.1%) into DCcategory2. Estimated 13-years mortality in the risk groups was 16.7%, 23.5%, and 49.1%, respectively (p < 0.001). Adjusting for age, life-style-related risk factors, and comorbidities, increased mortality risk was observed for DCcategory2 (HR 2.34, 95%-CI 1.56-3.50). Deceleration Capacity, derived automatically from brief 5-minute electrocardiogram recordings, emerges as a robust, feasible, and independent predictor of long-term mortality risk in the general population.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Autonomic Regulation ; Deceleration Capacity Of The Heart Rate ; Electrocardiogram ; Fully Automated Biosignal Analysis ; General Population Screening ; Non-invasive Long-term Risk Stratification; Heart-rate
ISSN (print) / ISBN 2045-2322
e-ISSN 2045-2322
Quellenangaben Volume: 14, Issue: 1, Pages: , Article Number: 30566 Supplement: ,
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Publishing Place London
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Grants Technische Universitt Mnchen (1025)