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Ruehr, L.* ; Hoffmann, K.* ; May, E.* ; Münch, M.L.* ; Schlögl, H. ; Sacher, J.*

"Estrogens and human brain networks: A systematic review of structural and functional neuroimaging studies".

Front Neuroendocrinol 77:101174 (2024)
Estrogen fluctuations during the menstrual cycle, puberty, postpartum, or in the menopausal transition are associated with cognitive, affective, and behavioral effects. Additionally, estrogens are essential in hormonal contraception, menopausal hormone therapy, or gender-affirming hormone therapy. This systematic review summarizes findings on the role of estrogens for structure, function, and connectivity of human brain networks. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect for neuroimaging articles assessing estrogens published since 2008. We included 54 studies (N = 2,494 participants) on endogenous estrogen, and 28 studies (N = 1740 participants) on exogenous estrogen conditions. Estrogen-related changes were reported for emotion, reward, memory, and resting-state networks, and in regional white and gray matter, with a particular neural plasticity in the hippocampus and amygdala. By examining study designs, imaging measures, and analysis methods, this review highlights the role of neuroimaging in advancing neuroendocrine and neurocognitive research, particularly promoting brain health for women and individuals with ovaries.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Review
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Keywords Estrogens ; Hormonal Contraceptives ; Menopause ; Menstrual Cycle ; Neuroimaging ; Puberty ; Systematic Review; White-matter Microstructure; Health Initiative Trials; Resting State Networks; Contraceptive Pill Use; Menstrual-cycle Phase; Sex-differences; Hormone-treatment; Menopausal Status; Ovarian Hormones; Memory Circuitry
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0532-7466
Quellenangaben Volume: 77, Issue: , Pages: , Article Number: 101174 Supplement: ,
Publisher Elsevier
Publishing Place Amsterdam
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Institute(s) Helmholtz Institute for Metabolism, Obesity and Vascular Research (HI-MAG)
Grants MPG Brain HATCH Project (Human Cognition Hormones)
University of Leipzig Medical Center
Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Berlin School of Mind and Brain (Berlin, Germany)
Max Planck School of Cognition (Leipzig, Germany)