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Vogl, I.* ; Eck, S.H.* ; Benet-Pagès, A.* ; Greif, P.A. ; Hirv, K.* ; Kotschote, S.* ; Kuhn, M.* ; Gehring, A.* ; Bergmann, C.* ; Bolz, H.J.* ; Stuhrmann, M.* ; Biskup, S.* ; Metzeler, K.H.* ; Klein, H.G.*

Diagnostic applications of next generation sequencing: Working towards quality standards.

Lab. Med. 36, 227-239 (2012)
Open Access Green as soon as Postprint is submitted to ZB.
Over the past 6 years, next generation sequencing (NGS) has been established as a valuable high-throughput method for research in molecular genetics and has successfully been employed in the identification of rare and common genetic variations. All major NGS technology companies providing commercially available instruments (Roche 454, Illumina, Life Technologies) have recently marketed bench top sequencing instruments with lower throughput and shorter run times, thereby broadening the applications of NGS and opening the technology to the potential use for clinical diagnostics. Although the high expectations regarding the discovery of new diagnostic targets and an overall reduction of cost have been achieved, technological challenges in instrument handling, robustness of the chemistry and data analysis need to be overcome. To facilitate the implementation of NGS as a routine method in molecular diagnostics, consistent quality standards need to be developed. Here the authors give an overview of the current standards in protocols and workflows and discuss possible approaches to define quality criteria for NGS in molecular genetic diagnostics.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Bioinformatics ; Genetic Variation ; Illumina ; Library Preparation ; Life Technologies ; Molecular Genetics ; Molecular Genetic Diagnostics ; Next Generation Sequencing (ngs) ; Rare Diseases ; Roche; Acute Myeloid-Leukemia; Somatic Mutations; Human Genome; DNA; Cancer; Construction; Arabidopsis; Enrichment; Platforms; Evolution
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0342-3026
e-ISSN 1439-0477
Quellenangaben Volume: 36, Issue: 4, Pages: 227-239 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher de Gruyter
Publishing Place Berlin
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed