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Determinants of influenza and pneumococcal vaccination in patients with chronic lung diseases.
J. Infect. 55, 347-352 (2007)
Despite strong recommendations, immunization rates for influenza and pneumococci are low. We aimed to analyse the vaccination status and its determinants in patients with chronic lung diseases. METHODS: Information about actual influenza (IV) and pneumococcal (PV) vaccination status was obtained by a standardised questionnaire from 2491 patients presenting to a specialised centre of respiratory medicine in Rotenburg/Wuemme (Germany). Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to identify potential determinants of IV and PV. RESULTS: Of 2131 patients with asthma and/or COPD, included into detailed analyses (52.0% male, mean age 56.6 years), 46.5% had received an IV and 14.6% a PV. Main reason for not being vaccinated was the lack of information, reaching 87.6% for PV (53.5% for IV); 37.0% saw no reason for an IV (PV 21.3%). Vaccination rates differed depending on the patients' age and education level. CONCLUSION: The results indicate a marked information deficit on immunization which is explicitly higher for PV. Target-group-specific strategies should increase the knowledge on vaccinations in order to avoid the development or aggravation of acute and chronic lung diseases.
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Publication type
Article: Journal article
Document type
Scientific Article
Chronic lung diseases; Influenza vaccination; Pneumococcal vaccination
ISSN (print) / ISBN
Journal of Infection
Volume: 55,
Issue: 4,
Pages: 347-352
Non-patent literature
Reviewing status
Peer reviewed
Institute of Epidemiology I (EPI)