Background and aims: Drought reduces the carbon (C) flux from leaves (source) to mycorrhizal roots (sink); however, during recovery from drought, C flux exceeds the levels observed in irrigated controls. This process could be source- or sink-controlled. We studied this source–sink relationship in an agronomically used poplar clone grown at different levels of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilisation as used in silvoarable agroforestry systems. Methods: We conducted a fully factorial pot experiment combining four fertiliser and two drought regimes. Gas exchange and chlorophyll and flavonol indices were regularly monitored. One week after rewatering, we performed 13 CO 2 pulse labelling. At harvest, enzyme activities of ectomycorrhizal root tips were determined. Results: After one week of recovery, we observed an excess in C allocation to ectomycorrhizae (ECM) in non-N-fertilised treatments. However, net photosynthesis only recovered to the level of continuously irrigated controls. Drought increased chitinase, cellulase, phosphatase and peptidase activities, but the latter only in N-fertilised treatments. Conclusions: We add evidence that the allocation of recently assimilated C is most likely sink-controlled. Less C allocation to recovering ECM supplied with fertiliser may be either due to better nutritional status and hence higher stress tolerance, or due to partitioning between above and below-ground sinks.