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Goettsch, W.* ; Beerenwinkel, N.* ; Deng, L. ; Dölken, L.* ; Dutilh, B.E.* ; Erhard, F.* ; Kaderali, L.* ; von Kleist, M.* ; Marquet, R.* ; Matthijnssens, J.* ; McCallin, S.* ; McMahon, D.P.* ; Rattei, T.* ; Van Rij, R.P.* ; Robertson, D.L.* ; Schwemmle, M.* ; Stern-Ginossar, N.* ; Marz, M.*

ITN-VIROINF: Understanding (Harmful) virus-host interactions by linking virology and bioinformatics.

Viruses 13:766 (2021)
Publ. Version/Full Text DOI PMC
Open Access Gold
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Many recent studies highlight the fundamental importance of viruses. Besides their important role as human and animal pathogens, their beneficial, commensal or harmful functions are poorly understood. By developing and applying tailored bioinformatical tools in important virological models, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Initiative International Training Network VIROINF will provide a better understanding of viruses and the interaction with their hosts. This will open the door to validate methods of improving viral growth, morphogenesis and development, as well as to control strategies against unwanted microorganisms. The key feature of VIROINF is its interdisciplinary nature, which brings together virologists and bioinformaticians to achieve common goals.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Review
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Keywords Bioinformatic ; Virology ; Virus ; Virus Host Interaction; Rna; Bacterial; Immunity; Family
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1999-4915
e-ISSN 1999-4915
Journal Viruses
Quellenangaben Volume: 13, Issue: 5, Pages: , Article Number: 766 Supplement: ,
Publisher MDPI
Publishing Place St Alban-anlage 66, Ch-4052 Basel, Switzerland
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Grants European Union