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Glaser, A. ; Birkenfeld, A.L. ; Roden, M.* ; Schürmann, A.* ; Solimena, M. ; Hrabě de Angelis, M.

Mit präzisen Ansätzen die "patient journey" optimieren. Neue Wege der gezielteren Diabetesprävention und -therapie.

Precise approaches to optimize the patient journey: New directions for targeted diabetes prevention and treatment.

Diabetologie 19, 103-105 (2023)
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Editorial
Corresponding Author
ISSN (print) / ISBN 2731-7447
e-ISSN 2731-7455
Quellenangaben Volume: 19, Issue: , Pages: 103-105 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Springer
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Institute(s) Institute of Experimental Genetics (IEG)
German Center for Diabetes Reseach (DZD)
Institute of Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases (IDM)
Institute of Pancreatic Islet Research (IPI)