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Heylen, D.* ; Pusparum, M.* ; Kuliesius, J.* ; Wilson, J.* ; Park, Y.-C. ; Jamiołkowski, J.* ; D'Onofrio, V.* ; Valkenborg, D.* ; Aerts, J.* ; Ertaylan, G.* ; Hooyberghs, J.*

Synthetic plasma pool cohort correction for affinity-based proteomics datasets allows multiple study comparison.

Brief. Bioinform. 26:bbae657 (2024)
Publ. Version/Full Text DOI PMC
Open Access Gold (Paid Option)
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Proteomics stands as the crucial link between genomics and human diseases. Quantitative proteomics provides detailed insights into protein levels, enabling differentiation between distinct phenotypes. OLINK, a biotechnology company from Uppsala, Sweden, offers a targeted, affinity-based protein measurement method called Target 96, which has become prominent in the field of proteomics. The SCALLOP consortium, for instance, contains data from over 70.000 individuals across 45 independent cohort studies, all sampled by OLINK. However, when independent cohorts want to collaborate and quantitatively compare their target 96 protein values, it is currently advised to include 'identical biological bridging' samples in each sampling run to perform a reference sample normalization, correcting technical variations across measurements. Such a 'biological bridging sample' approach requires each of the involved cohorts to resend their biological bridging samples to OLINK to run them all together, which is logistically challenging, costly and time-consuming. Hence alternatives are searched and an evaluation of the current state of the art exposes the need for a more robust method that allows all OLINK Target 96 studies to compare proteomics data accurately and cost-efficiently. To meet these goals we developed the Synthetic Plasma Pool Cohort Correction, the 'SPOC correction' approach, based on the use of an OLINK-composed synthetic plasma sample. The method can easily be implemented in a federated data-sharing context which is illustrated on a sepsis use case.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Biomarkers ; Normalization ; Protein Quantification ; Proteomics
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1467-5463
e-ISSN 1477-4054
Quellenangaben Volume: 26, Issue: 1, Pages: , Article Number: bbae657 Supplement: ,
Publisher Oxford University Press
Publishing Place Great Clarendon St, Oxford Ox2 6dp, England
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Institute(s) Institute of Translational Genomics (ITG)
Grants Hasselt, Belgium
Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences, UHasselt
Jessa Hospital
Hasselt University BOF