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Diffusion pseudotime robustly reconstructs lineage branching.

Nat. Methods 13, 845-848 (2016)
Postprint DOI PMC
Open Access Green
The temporal order of differentiating cells is intrinsically encoded in their single-cell expression profiles. We describe an efficient way to robustly estimate this order according to diffusion pseudotime (DPT), which measures transitions between cells using diffusion-like random walks. Our DPT software implementations make it possible to reconstruct the developmental progression of cells and identify transient or metastable states, branching decisions and differentiation endpoints.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Rna-sequencing Data; Single-cell Data; Expression; Heterogeneity; Trajectories; Progression; Commitment; Embryo; Maps; Stem
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1548-7091
e-ISSN 1548-7105
Journal Nature Methods
Quellenangaben Volume: 13, Issue: 10, Pages: 845-848 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Publishing Place New York, NY
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed