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Karimzadeh, H. ; Kiraithe, M.M.* ; Kosinska, A. ; Glaser, M.* ; Fiedler, M.* ; Oberhardt, V.* ; Alizei, E.S.* ; Hofmann, M.* ; Mok, J.Y.* ; Nguyen, M.* ; van Esch, W.J.E.* ; Budeus, B.* ; Grabowski, J.* ; Homs, M.* ; Olivero, A.* ; Keyvani, H.* ; Rodríguez-Frías, F.* ; Tabernero, D.* ; Buti, M.* ; Heinold, A.* ; Alavian, S.M.* ; Bauer, T. ; Wiesch, J.S.z.* ; Raziorrouh, B.* ; Hoffmann, D.* ; Smedile, A.* ; Rizzetto, M.* ; Wedemeyer, H.* ; Timm, J.* ; Antes, I.* ; Neumann-Haefelin, C.* ; Protzer, U. ; Roggendorf, M.

Amino acid substitutions within HLA-B*27-restricted T cell epitopes prevent recognition by hepatitis delta virus-specific CD8+ T cells.

J. Virol. 92:13 e01891-17 (2018)
Publ. Version/Full Text Postprint DOI PMC
Open Access Green
Human adenovirus (HAdV) E1B-55K is a multifunctional regulator of productive viral replication and oncogenic transformation in nonpermissive mammalian cells. These functions depend on E1B-55K's posttranslational modification with the SUMO protein and its binding to HAdV E4orf6. Both early viral proteins recruit specific host factors to form an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that targets antiviral host substrates for proteasomal degradation. Recently, we reported that the PML-NB associated factor Daxx represses efficient HAdV productive infection and is proteasomally degraded via a SUMO-E1B-55K-dependent, E4orf6-independent pathway, the details of which remained to be established. RNF4, a cellular SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase (STUbL), induces ubiquitinylation of specific SUMOy lated proteins and plays an essential role during DNA repair. Here, we show that E1B-55K recruits RNF4 to the insoluble nuclear matrix fraction of the infected cell to support RNF4/Daxx association, promoting Daxx PTM and thus inhibiting this antiviral factor. Removing RNF4 from infected cells using RNA interference resulted in blocking the proper establishment of viral replication centers and significantly diminished viral gene expression. These results provide a model for how HAdV antagonize the antiviral host responses by exploiting the functional capacity of cellular STUbLs. Thus, RNF4 and its STUbL function represent a positive factor during lytic infection and a novel candidate for future therapeutic antiviral intervention strategies.IMPORTANCE Daxx is a PML-NB-associated transcription factor that was recently shown to repress efficient HAdV productive infection. To counteract this antiviral measurement during infection, Daxx is degraded via a novel pathway including viral E1B-55K and host proteasomes. This virus-mediated degradation is independent of the classical HAdV E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, which is essential during viral infection to target other host antiviral substrates. To maintain a productive viral life cycle, HAdV E1B-55K early viral protein inhibits the chromatin-remodeling factor Daxx in a SUMO-dependent manner. In addition, viral E1B-55K protein recruits the STUbL RNF4 and sequesters it into the insoluble fraction of the infected cell. E1B-55K promotes complex formation between RNF4-and E1B-55K-targeted Daxx protein, supporting Daxx posttranslational modification prior to functional inhibition. Hence, RNF4 represents a novel host factor that is beneficial for HAdV gene expression by supporting Daxx counteraction. In this regard, RNF4 and other STUbL proteins might represent novel targets for therapeutic intervention.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte ; Epitope Mapping ; Immune Escape ; Immune Selection ; Large Hepatitis Delta Antigen; Pml Nuclear-bodies; Monoclonal-antibodies; E1b-55k Oncoprotein; Messenger-rna; E3 Ligase; Dependent Degradation; 55-kilodalton Protein; Transformed-cells; Cellular-proteins; E1b55k Proteins
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0022-538X
e-ISSN 1098-5514
Quellenangaben Volume: 92, Issue: 13, Pages: , Article Number: 13 e01891-17 Supplement: ,
Publisher American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
Publishing Place 1752 N St Nw, Washington, Dc 20036-2904 Usa
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed