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Bornstein, S.R. ; Steenblock, C.* ; Chrousos, G.P.* ; Schally, A.V.* ; Beuschlein, F.* ; Kline, G.* ; Krone, N.P.* ; Licinio, J.* ; Wong, M.L.* ; Ullmann, E.* ; Ruiz-Babot, G.* ; Boehm, B.O.* ; Behrens, A.* ; Brennand, A.* ; Santambrogio, A.* ; Berger, I.* ; Werdermann, M.* ; Sancho, R.* ; Linkermann, A.* ; Lenders, J.W.* ; Eisenhofer, G.* ; Andoniadou, C.L.*

Stress-inducible-stem cells: A new view on endocrine, metabolic and mental disease?

Mol. Psychiatry 24, 2-9 (2019)
Publ. Version/Full Text DOI PMC
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Editorial
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Keywords Progenitor Cells; Glucocorticoid-receptor; Adrenal Insufficiency; Hematopoietic Stem; Oxidative Stress; Obesity; System; Axis; Differentiation; Transplantation
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1359-4184
e-ISSN 1476-5578
Quellenangaben Volume: 24, Issue: 1, Pages: 2-9 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Publishing Place Macmillan Building, 4 Crinan St, London N1 9xw, England
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Institute(s) Institute for Pancreatic Beta Cell Research (IPI)