PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Destoumieux-Garzon, D.* et al.: Getting out of crises: Environmental, social-ecological and evolutionary research is needed to avoid future risks of pandemics. Environ. Int. 158:106915 (2022)
Huss, A.* et al.: Setting the European environment and health research agenda –under-researched areas and solution-oriented research. Environ. Int. 163:107202 (2022)
Pardo, M.* et al.: Exposure to naphthalene and β-pinene-derived secondary organic aerosol induced divergent changes in transcript levels of BEAS-2B cells. Environ. Int. 166:107366 (2022)
Schaffert, A.* et al.: Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate substitutes accelerate human adipogenesis through PPARγ activation and cause oxidative stress and impaired metabolic homeostasis in mature adipocytes. Environ. Int. 164:107279 (2022)
Yao,Y. et al.: Longitudinal associations between metabolites and long-term exposure to ambient air pollution: Results from the KORA cohort study. Environ. Int. 170:107632 (2022)
Ainsbury, E.A.* et al.: Radiation-induced lens opacities: Epidemiological, clinical and experimental evidence, methodological issues, research gaps and strategy. Environ. Int. 146:106213 (2021)
Barouki, R.* et al.: The COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental change: Emerging research needs. Environ. Int. 146:106272 (2021)
Fang, Z.* et al.: Secondary organic aerosols produced from photochemical oxidation of secondarily evaporated biomass burning organic gases: Chemical composition, toxicity, optical properties, and climate effect. Environ. Int. 157:106801 (2021)
Hvidtfeldt, U.A.* et al.: Long-term low-level ambient air pollution exposure and risk of lung cancer – a pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts. Environ. Int. 146:106249 (2021)
Kuiper, I.N.* et al.: Lifelong exposure to air pollution and greenness in relation to asthma, rhinitis and lung function in adulthood. Environ. Int. 146:106219 (2021)
Liu, S.* et al.: Long-term exposure to low-level air pollution and incidence of asthma: The ELAPSE project. Environ. Int. 146:106267 (2021)
Marselle, M.R.* et al.: Pathways linking biodiversity to human health: A conceptual framework. Environ. Int. 150:106420 (2021)
Merid, S.K.* et al.: Integration of gene expression and DNA methylation identifies epigenetically controlled modules related to PM2.5 exposure. Environ. Int. 146:106248 (2021)
Samoli, E.* et al.: Modeling multi-level survival data in multi-center epidemiological cohort studies: Applications from the ELAPSE project. Environ. Int. 147:106371 (2021)
Schaffert, A.* et al.: Alternatives for the worse: Molecular insights into adverse effects of bisphenol a and substitutes during human adipocyte differentiation. Environ. Int. 156:106730 (2021)
Sokhi, R.S.* et al.: A global observational analysis to understand changes in air quality during exceptionally low anthropogenic emission conditions. Environ. Int. 157:106818 (2021)
Tapio, S. et al.: Ionizing radiation-induced circulatory and metabolic diseases. Environ. Int. 146:106235 (2021)
Voss, S. et al.: Long-term exposure to air pollution, road traffic noise, residential greenness, and prevalent and incident metabolic syndrome: Results from the population-based KORA F4/FF4 cohort in Augsburg, Germany. Environ. Int. 147:106364 (2021)
Zhao, Q.* et al.: Air pollution during infancy and lung function development into adolescence: The GINIplus/LISA birth cohorts study. Environ. Int. 146:106195 (2021)
Zhao, T. et al.: Outdoor air pollution and hormone-assessed pubertal development in children: Results from the GINIplus and LISA birth cohorts. Environ. Int. 152:106476 (2021)