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Fuertes, E.* et al.: Residential air pollution does not modify the positive association between physical activity and lung function in current smokers in the ECRHS study. Environ. Int. 120, 364-372 (2018)
Susanto, N.H.* et al.: Environmental grass pollen levels in utero and at birth and cord blood IgE: Analysis of three birth cohorts. Environ. Int. 119, 295-301 (2018)
Yang, B.-Y.* et al.: Exposure to ambient air pollution and blood lipids in adults: The 33 Communities Chinese Health Study. Environ. Int. 119, 485-492 (2018)
Zhang, S. et al.: Long-term effects of air pollution on ankle-brachial index. Environ. Int. 118, 17-25 (2018)
Dzhambov, A.M.* ; Tilov, B.* ; Markevych, I. & Dimitrova, D.*: Residential road traffic noise and general mental health in youth: The role of noise annoyance, neighborhood restorative quality, physical activity, and social cohesion as potential mediators. Environ. Int. 109, 1-9 (2017)
Plusquin, M.* et al.: DNA methylation and exposure to ambient air pollution in two prospective cohorts. Environ. Int. 108, 127-136 (2017)
Temam, S.* et al.: Socioeconomic position and outdoor nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exposure in Western Europe: A multi-city analysis. Environ. Int. 101, 117-124 (2017)
Breitner-Busch, S. et al.: Associations among plasma metabolite levels and short-term exposure to PM2.5 and ozone in a cardiac catheterization cohort. Environ. Int. 97, 76-84 (2016)
Fuertes, E.* et al.: Traffic-related air pollution and hyperactivity/inattention, dyslexia and dyscalculia in adolescents of the German GINIplus and LISAplus birth cohorts. Environ. Int. 97, 85-92 (2016)
He, C.* et al.: Characterisation of the impact of open biomass burning on urban air quality in Brisbane, Australia. Environ. Int. 91, 230-242 (2016)
Lanzinger, S. et al.: Associations between ultrafine and fine particles and mortality in five central European cities - results from the UFIREG study. Environ. Int. 88, 44-52 (2016)
Hampel, R. et al.: Long-term effects of elemental composition of particulate matter on inflammatory blood markers in European cohorts. Environ. Int. 82, 76-84 (2015)
Markevych, I. et al.: Corrigendum to "Access to urban green spaces and behavioural problems in children: Results from the GINIplus and LISAplus studies" [Environment International 71C (2014) 29-35]. Environ. Int. 82, 115 (2015)
Tsai, M.Y.* et al.: Spatial variation of PM elemental composition between and within 20 European study areas - results of the ESCAPE project. Environ. Int. 84, 181-192 (2015)
de Hoogh, K.* et al.: Comparing land use regression and dispersion modelling to assess residential exposure to ambient air pollution for epidemiological studies. Environ. Int. 73, 382-392 (2014)
Markevych, I. et al.: Access to urban green spaces and behavioural problems in children: Results from the GINIplus and LISAplus studies. Environ. Int. 71, 29-35 (2014)
Rückerl, R. et al.: Associations between ambient air pollution and blood markers of inflammation and coagulation/fibrinolysis in susceptible populations. Environ. Int. 70, 32-49 (2014)
Wang, M.* et al.: Long-term exposure to elemental constituents of particulate matter and cardiovascular mortality in 19 European cohorts: Results from the ESCAPE and TRANSPHORM projects. Environ. Int. 66, 97-106 (2014)
Yilmaz, A.* et al.: Use of passive samplers in pollution monitoring: A numerical approach for marinas. Environ. Int. 73, 85-93 (2014)
Cok, I.* et al.: Analysis of human milk to assess exposure to PAHs, PCBs and organochlorine pesticides in the vicinity Mediterranean city Mersin, Turkey. Environ. Int. 40, 63-69 (2012)