PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


93 Datensätze gefunden.
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Fuertes, E.* et al.: Residential greenspace and lung function up to 24 years of age: The ALSPAC birth cohort. Environ. Int. 140:105749 (2020)
Yang, B.-Y.* et al.: Association between residential greenness and metabolic syndrome in Chinese adults. Environ. Int. 135:105388 (2020)
Zeng, X.W.* et al.: Greenness surrounding schools is associated with lower risk of asthma in schoolchildren. Environ. Int. 143:105967 (2020)
Chen, J.* et al.: A comparison of linear regression, regularization, and machine learning algorithms to develop Europe-wide spatial models of fine particles and nitrogen dioxide. Environ. Int. 130:104934 (2019)
de Jesus, A.L.* et al.: Ultrafine particles and PM2.5 in the air of cities around the world: Are they representative of each other? Environ. Int. 129, 118-135 (2019)
Garí, M. et al.: Determinants of phthalate exposure and risk assessment in children from Poland. Environ. Int. 127, 742-753 (2019)
Garí, M. ; Grimalt, J.O.* ; Vizcaino, E.* ; Tardón, A.* & Fernández-Somoano, A.*: Mother-child transfer rates of organohalogen compounds up to four years of age. Environ. Int. 133:105241 (2019)
Gondalia, R.* et al.: Methylome-wide association study provides evidence of particulate matter air pollution-associated DNA methylation. Environ. Int. 132:104723 (2019)
Jorcano, A.* et al.: Prenatal and postnatal exposure to air pollution and emotional and aggressive symptoms in children from 8 European birth cohorts. Environ. Int. 131:104927 (2019)
McGuinn, L.A.* et al.: Association of long-term PM2.5 exposure with traditional and novel lipid measures related to cardiovascular disease risk. Environ. Int. 122, 193-200 (2019)
Milaković, M.* et al.: Pollution from azithromycin-manufacturing promotes macrolide-resistance gene propagation and induces spatial and seasonal bacterial community shifts in receiving river sediments. Environ. Int. 123, 501-511 (2019)
Triebner, K.* et al.: Residential surrounding greenspace and age at menopause: A 20-year European study (ECRHS). Environ. Int. 132:105088 (2019)
Wolf, K. et al.: Persistent organic pollutants and the incidence of type 2 diabetes in the CARLA and KORA cohort studies. Environ. Int. 129, 221-228 (2019)
Yang, B.-Y.* et al.: Ambient PM1 air pollution and cardiovascular disease prevalence: Insights from the 33 Communities Chinese Health Study. Environ. Int. 123, 310-317 (2019)
Yang, B.-Y.* et al.: Community greenness, blood pressure, and hypertension in urban dwellers: The 33 Communities Chinese Health Study. Environ. Int. 126, 727-734 (2019)
Barouki, R.* et al.: Epigenetics as a mechanism linking developmental exposures to long-term toxicity. Environ. Int. 114, 77-86 (2018)
Campbell, J.L.* et al.: Excretion of di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) metabolites in urine is related to body mass index because of higher energy intake in the overweight and obese. Environ. Int. 113, 91-99 (2018)
Chen, K. et al.: Two-way effect modifications of air pollution and air temperature on total natural and cardiovascular mortality in eight European urban areas. Environ. Int. 116, 186-196 (2018)
de Hoogh, K.* et al.: Spatial PM2.5, NO2, O-3 and BC models for Western Europe - Evaluation of spatiotemporal stability. Environ. Int. 120, 81-92 (2018)
Dzhambov, A.M.* ; Markevych, I. & Lercher, P.*: Greenspace seems protective of both high and low blood pressure among residents of an Alpine valley. Environ. Int. 121, 443-452 (2018)