PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Pierattini, E.C.* ; Francini, A.* ; Huber, C. ; Sebastiani, L.* & Schröder, P.: Poplar and diclofenac pollution: A focus on physiology, oxidative stress and uptake in plant organs. Sci. Total Environ. 636, 944-952 (2018)
Rönkkö, T.J.* et al.: Emissions and atmospheric processes influence the chemical composition and toxicological properties of urban air particulate matter in Nanjing, China. Sci. Total Environ. 639, 1290-1310 (2018)
Czech, H.* et al.: Chemical composition and speciation of particulate organic matter from modern residential small-scale wood combustion appliances. Sci. Total Environ. 612, 636-648 (2017)
Doğan-Subaşı, E.* et al.: Contrasting dual (C, Cl) isotope fractionation offers potential to distinguish reductive chloroethene transformation from breakdown by permanganate. Sci. Total Environ. 596-597, 169-177 (2017)
Herzsprung, P.* et al.: Differences in DOM of rewetted and natural peatlands - Results from high-field FT-ICR-MS and bulk optical parameters. Sci. Total Environ. 586, 770-781 (2017)
Levy, W. et al.: Persistent organic pollutants in shallow percolated water of the Alps Karst system (Zugspitze summit, Germany). Sci. Total Environ. 579, 1269-1281 (2017)
Meisenberg, O. et al.: Radon and thoron inhalation doses in dwellings with earthen architecture: Comparison of measurement methods. Sci. Total Environ. 579, 1855-1862 (2017)
Oteros, J. et al.: Concentric ring method for generating pollen maps. Quercus as case study. Sci. Total Environ. 576, 637-645 (2017)
Pitchika, A. et al.: Long-term associations of modeled and self-reported measures of exposure to air pollution and noise at residence on prevalent hypertension and blood pressure. Sci. Total Environ. 593-594, 337-346 (2017)
Schröder, P. et al.: Intensify production, transform biomass to energy and novel goods and protect soils in Europe-A vision how to mobilize marginal lands. Sci. Total Environ. 616, 1101-1123 (2017)
Shao, L.* et al.: Seasonal variation of particle-induced oxidative potential of airborne particulate matter in Beijing. Sci. Total Environ. 579, 1152-1160 (2017)
Sheng, H.* et al.: N-acyl-homoserine lactone dynamics during biofilm formation of a 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene mineralizing community on clay. Sci. Total Environ. 605-606, 1031-1038 (2017)
Vives I Batlle, J.* ; Ulanowski, A. & Copplestone, D.*: A method for assessing exposure of terrestrial wildlife to environmental radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn). Sci. Total Environ. 605-606, 569-577 (2017)
Wolf, K. et al.: Land use regression modeling of ultrafine particles, ozone, nitrogen oxides and markers of particulate matter pollution in Augsburg, Germany. Sci. Total Environ. 579, 1531-1540 (2017)
Bastl, K.* et al.: First comparison of symptom data with allergen content (Bet v 1 and Phl p 5 measurements) and pollen data from four European regions during 2009-2011. Sci. Total Environ. 548-549, 229-235 (2016)
Galan, C.* et al.: Airborne pollen trends in the Iberian Peninsula. Sci. Total Environ. 550, 53-59 (2016)
Garcia-Mozo, H.* ; Oteros, J. & Galan, C.*: Impact of land cover changes and climate on the main airborne pollen types in Southern Spain. Sci. Total Environ. 548-549, 221-228 (2016)
Kamilli, K.A.* et al.: How salt lakes affect atmospheric new particle formation: A case study in Western Australia. Sci. Total Environ. 573, 985-995 (2016)
Mazur, D.M.* ; Harir, M. ; Schmitt-Kopplin, P. ; Polyakova, O.V.* & Lebedev, A.T.*: High field FT-ICR mass spectrometry for molecular characterization of snow board from Moscow regions. Sci. Total Environ. 557-558, 12-19 (2016)
Pang, L.* et al.: Influence of colloids on the attenuation and transport of phosphorus in alluvial gravel aquifer and vadose zone media. Sci. Total Environ. 550, 60-68 (2016)