PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Sofiev, M.* et al.: Designing an automatic pollen monitoring network for direct usage of observations to reconstruct the concentration fields. Sci. Total Environ. 900:165800 (2023)
Suarez-Suarez, M. et al.: Diurnal pattern of Poaceae and Betula pollen flight in Central Europe. Sci. Total Environ. 900:165799 (2023)
Urbano, T.* et al.: Selenium exposure and urinary 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine: Major effects of chemical species and sex. Sci. Total Environ. 870:161584 (2023)
Wilhelm, R.C.* et al.: The effects of mixed-species root zones on the resistance of soil bacteria and fungi to long-term experimental and natural reductions in soil moisture. Sci. Total Environ. 873:162266 (2023)
Yao,Y. et al.: Longitudinal associations between metabolites and immediate, short- and medium-term exposure to ambient air pollution: Results from the KORA cohort study. Sci. Total Environ. 900:165780 (2023)
Areal, A.T.* ; Zhao, Q.* ; Wigmann, C.* ; Schneider, A.E. & Schikowski, T.*: The effect of air pollution when modified by temperature on respiratory health outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sci. Total Environ. 811:152336 (2022)
Bigott, Y. et al.: Fate and impact of wastewater-borne micropollutants in lettuce and the root-associated bacteria. Sci. Total Environ. 831:154674 (2022)
Harir, M. ; Cawley, K.M.* ; Hertkorn, N. ; Schmitt-Kopplin, P. & Jaffe, R.*: Molecular and spectroscopic changes of peat-derived organic matter following photo-exposure: Effects on heteroatom composition of DOM. Sci. Total Environ. 838:155790 (2022)
Ihantola, T.* et al.: Genotoxic and inflammatory effects of spruce and brown coal briquettes combustion aerosols on lung cells at the air-liquid interface. Sci. Total Environ. 806:150489 (2022)
Khalaf, D.M. ; Cruzeiro, C. & Schröder, P.: Removal of tramadol from water using Typha angustifolia and Hordeum vulgare as biological models: Possible interaction with other pollutants in short-term uptake experiments. Sci. Total Environ. 809:151164 (2022)
Kress, S.* et al.: Airway inflammation in adolescents and elderly women: Chronic air pollution exposure and polygenic susceptibility. Sci. Total Environ. 841:156655 (2022)
Li, C.* et al.: pH modifies the oxidative potential and peroxide content of biomass burning HULIS under dark aging. Sci. Total Environ. 834:155365 (2022)
Li, S. et al.: Comprehensive assessment of dissolved organic matter processing in the Amazon River and its major tributaries revealed by positive and negative electrospray mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. Sci. Total Environ. 857:159620 (2022)
Schröder, P. et al.: Relaunch cropping on marginal soils by incorporating amendments and beneficial trace elements in an interdisciplinary approach. Sci. Total Environ. 803:149844 (2022)
Andrade Linares, D.R. et al.: Short term effects of climate change and intensification of management on the abundance of microbes driving nitrogen turnover in montane grassland soils. Sci. Total Environ. 780:146672 (2021)
Balazs, H.-E. et al.: Post-reclamation microbial diversity and functions in hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) contaminated soil in relation to spontaneous HCH tolerant vegetation. Sci. Total Environ. 767:144653 (2021)
Du, X.* et al.: Persistence and reversibility of arsenic-induced gut microbiome and metabolome shifts in male rats after 30-days recovery duration. Sci. Total Environ. 776:145972 (2021)
Grinn-Gofroń, A.* et al.: Abundance of Ganoderma sp. in Europe and SW Asia: Modelling the pathogen infection levels in local trees using the proxy of airborne fungal spore concentrations. Sci. Total Environ. 793:148509 (2021)
Lambert, K.A.* et al.: Association of early life and acute pollen exposure with lung function and exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO). A prospective study up to adolescence in the GINIplus and LISA cohort. Sci. Total Environ. 763:143006 (2021)