PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Schaeffer, A.* et al.: The impact of chemical pollution on the resilience of soils under multiple stresses: A conceptual framework for future research. Sci. Total Environ. 568, 1076-1085 (2016)
Wang, J. et al.: PAHs and PCBs accumulated by SPMD-based virtual organisms and feral fish in Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Sci. Total Environ. 542, 899-907 (2016)
Jedynska, A.* et al.: Spatial variations of levoglucosan in four European study areas. Sci. Total Environ. 505, 1072-1081 (2015)
Weikl, F. ; Radl, V. ; Munch, J.-C. & Pritsch, K.: Targeting allergenic fungi in agricultural environments aids the identification of major sources and potential risks for human health. Sci. Total Environ. 529, 223-230 (2015)
Zhu, N.* et al.: Lichen, moss and soil in resolving the occurrence of semi-volatile organic compounds on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Sci. Total Environ. 518-519, 328-336 (2015)
Breitner-Busch, S. et al.: Short-term effects of air temperature on mortality and effect modification by air pollution in three cities of Bavaria, Germany: A time-series analysis. Sci. Total Environ. 485-486, 49-61 (2014)
Breulmann, M.* et al.: Short-term bioavailability of carbon in soil organic matter fractions of different particle sizes and densities in grassland ecosystems. Sci. Total Environ. 497-498, 29-37 (2014)
Deyerling, D. et al.: PAH distribution and mass fluxes in the Three Gorges Reservoir after impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam. Sci. Total Environ. 491-492, 123-130 (2014)
Durant, J.L.* et al.: Comparison of ambient airborne PM2.5, PM2.5 absorbance and nitrogen dioxide ratios measured in 1999 and 2009 in three areas in Europe. Sci. Total Environ. 487, 290-298 (2014)
Kirchner, M. et al.: Nitrogen deposition along differently exposed slopes in the Bavarian Alps. Sci. Total Environ. 470-471, 895-906 (2014)
Okay, O.S.* et al.: Micro-organic pollutants and biological response of mussels in marinas and ship building/breaking yards in Turkey. Sci. Total Environ. 496, 165-178 (2014)
Ssebugere, P. et al.: Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in sediments and fish species from the Murchison Bay of Lake Victoria, Uganda. Sci. Total Environ. 500-501, 1-10 (2014)
Wang, J. ; Bernhöft, S. ; Pfister, G. & Schramm, K.-W.: Water exposure assessment of aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists in Three Gorges Reservoir, China using SPMD-based virtual organisms. Sci. Total Environ. 496, 26-34 (2014)
Ssebugere, P.* et al.: PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in surface sediments from Lake Victoria, East Africa. Sci. Total Environ. 454-455, 528-533 (2013)
Voigt, K. ; Scherb, H. ; Brüggemann, R.* & Schramm, K.-W.: Discrete mathematical data analysis approach: A valuable assessment method for sustainable chemistry. Sci. Total Environ. 454-455, 149-153 (2013)
Xu, Z.L. et al.: Human exposure to fluorotelomer alcohols, perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoate via house dust in Bavaria, Germany. Sci. Total Environ. 443, 485-490 (2013)
Gu, J. et al.: Selection of key ambient particulate variables for epidemiological studies - applying cluster and heatmap analyses as tools for data reduction. Sci. Total Environ. 435-436, 541-550 (2012)
Tschiersch, J. ; Meisenberg, O. & Wang, J.*: Reducing the inhalation dose from radon decay products. Sci. Total Environ. 435-436, 578-579 (2012)
Breitner-Busch, S. et al.: Sub-micrometer particulate air pollution and cardiovascular mortality in Beijing, China. Sci. Total Environ. 409, 5196-5204 (2011)
Greiter, M. ; Giussani, A. ; Höllriegl, V. ; Li, W.B. & Oeh, U.: Human biokinetic data and a new compartmental model of zirconium - a tracer study with enriched stable isotopes. Sci. Total Environ. 409, 3701-3710 (2011)