PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Franke, K. et al.: A 3- Year Cohort Study on Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution in Germany. 1. Influences of Medication and Season. Sci. Total Environ. 127, 69-78 (1992)
Hötzl, H. ; Rosner, G. & Winkler, R.A.: Sources of present Chernobyl-derived caesium concentrations in surface air and deposition samples. Sci. Total Environ. 119, 231-242 (1992)
Mansour, M. ; Barcelo, D. & Albaigés, J.: Analytical methodology for screening organophosphorus pesticides in biota samples. Sci. Total Environ. 123-124, 45-56 (1992)
Mansour, M. ; Schmitt, P. & Mamouni, A.: Elimination of metoxuron and carbetamide in the presence of oxygen species in aqueous solutions. Sci. Total Environ. 123-124, 183-193 (1992)
Schimmack, W. & Bunzl, K.: Migration of Radiocesium in Two Forest Soils as Obtained from Field and Column Investigations. Sci. Total Environ. 116, 93-117 (1992)
Schimmack, W. & Bunzl, K.W.: Migration of radiocesium in two forest soils as obtained from field and column investigations. Sci. Total Environ. 116, 93-107 (1992)
Schmitt, P.* ; Mamouni, A. ; Mansour, M. & Schiavon, M.*: Photodecomposition of isoxaben in aqueous systems and solid phase. Sci. Total Environ. 123-124, 171-182 (1992)
Schneider, P. ; Scheunert, I. & Kettrup, A.: Comparison of Short-Term and Long-Term Experiments Determining the Volatility of Atrazine from Different Soil Surfaces. Sci. Total Environ. 123/124, 391-398 (1992)
Schroll, R.A. et al.: Fate of [14C]terbutylazine in soil-plant systems. Sci. Total Environ. 123-124, 377-389 (1992)
Brüggemann, R. & Altschuh, J.: A validation study for the estimation of aqueous solubility from n-octanol/water partition coefficients. Sci. Total Environ. 109-110, 41-57 (1991)
Geyer, H.J. et al.: QSAR for Organic Chemical Bioconcentration in Daphnia, Algae, and Mussels. Sci. Total Environ. 109/110, 387-394 (1991)
Schimmack, W. ; Bunzl, K. ; Kreutzer, K. & Schierl, R.: Effects of Acid Irrigation and Liming on the Migration of Radiocesium in a Forest Soil as Observed by Field Measurements. Sci. Total Environ. 101, 181-189 (1991)
Schimmack, W. ; Bunzl, K.W. ; Kreutzer, K. & Schierl, R.: Effects of acid irrigation and liming on the migration of radiocesium in a forest soil as observed by field measurements. Sci. Total Environ. 101, 181-189 (1991)
Steinberg, C.E.W. ; Saumweber, S. & Kern, J.: Paleolimnological Trends in Total Organic Carbon Indicate Natural and Anthropogenic Sources of Acidity in Großer Arbersee, Germany. Sci. Total Environ. 107, 83-90 (1991)
Steinberg, C.E.W. ; Saumweber, S. & Kern, J.W.: Paleolimnological trends in total organic carbon indicate natural and anthropogenic sources of acidity in Grosser Arbersee, Germany. Sci. Total Environ. 107, 83-90 (1991)
Brüggemann, R. & Halfon, E.: Ranking for Environmental Hazard of the Chemicals Spilled in the Sandoz Accident in November 1986. Sci. Total Environ. 97/98, 827-837 (1990)
Brüggemann, R. & Halfon, E.*: Ranking for environmental hazard of the chemicals spilled in the Sandoz accident in November 1986. Sci. Total Environ. 97-98, 827-837 (1990)
Geyer, H.J. ; Scheunert, I. ; Brüggemann, R. ; Korte, F. & Kettrup, A.: QSAR for Organic Chemical Bioconcentration in Daphnia. Sci. Total Environ. (1990)
Rosner, G. ; Hötzl, H. & Winkler, R.: Effect of Dry Deposition, Washout and Resuspension of the Radionuclide Ratios after the Chernobyl Accident. Sci. Total Environ. 90, 1-12 (1990)