PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Höllriegl, V. ; Arogunjo, A.M. ; Giussani, A. ; Michalke, B. & Oeh, U.: Daily urinary excretion of uranium in members of the public of Southwest Nigeria. Sci. Total Environ. 412-413, 344-350 (2011)
Knappett, P.S. et al.: Impact of population and latrines on fecal contamination of ponds in rural Bangladesh. Sci. Total Environ. 409, 3174-3182 (2011)
Wang, J. ; Meisenberg, O. ; Chen, Y.* ; Karg, E.W. & Tschiersch, J.: Mitigation of radon and thoron decay products by filtration. Sci. Total Environ. 409, 3613-3619 (2011)
Höllriegl, V. ; Li, W.B. ; Leopold, K. ; Gerstmann, U. & Oeh, U.: Solubility of uranium and thorium from a healing earth in synthetic gut fluids: A case study for use in dose assessments. Sci. Total Environ. 408, 5794-5800 (2010)
Kengara, F.O. et al.: Degradation capacity of a 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene mineralizing microbial community for traces of organochlorine pesticides. Sci. Total Environ. 408, 3359-3366 (2010)
Reithmeier, H.* ; Lazarev, V.* ; Rühm, W. & Nolte, E.*: Anthropogenic ¹²⁹I in the atmosphere: Overview over major sources, transport processes and deposition pattern. Sci. Total Environ. 408, 5052-5064 (2010)
Guo, Y.M.* ; Jia, Y.P.* ; Pan, X.C.* ; Liu, L.Q. & Wichmann, H.-E.: The association between fine particulate air pollution and hospital emergency room visits for cardiovascular diseases in Beijing, China. Sci. Total Environ. 407, 4826-4830 (2009)
Jacob, P. et al.: Rural areas affected by the Chernobyl accident: Radiation exposure and remediation strategies. Sci. Total Environ. 408, 14-25 (2009)
Thevenot, M.* ; Dousset, S.* ; Hertkorn, N. ; Schmitt-Kopplin, P. & Andreux, F.*: Interactions of diuron with dissolved organic matter from organic amendments. Sci. Total Environ. 407, 4297-4302 (2009)
Tschiersch, J. ; Shinonaga, T. & Heuberger, H.*: Dry deposition of gaseous radioiodine and particulate radiocaesium onto leafy vegetables. Sci. Total Environ. 407, 5685-5693 (2009)
Cyrys, J. ; Pitz, M. ; Heinrich, J. ; Wichmann, H.-E. & Peters, A.: Spatial and temporal variation of particle number concentration in Augsburg, Germany. Sci. Total Environ. 401, 168-175 (2008)
Giussani, A.: A recycling systemic model for the biokinetics of molybdenum radionuclides. Sci. Total Environ. 404, 44-55 (2008)
Pérez-de-Mora, A. et al.: Long-term impact of acid resin waste deposits on soil quality of forest areas II. Biological indicators. Sci. Total Environ. 406, 99-107 (2008)
Pérez-de-Mora, A. et al.: Long-term impact of acid resin waste deposits on soil quality of forest areas I. Contaminants and abiotic properties. Sci. Total Environ. 406, 88-98 (2008)
Yue, W. et al.: Source apportionment of ambient fine particle size distribution using positive matrix factorization in Erfurt, Germany. Sci. Total Environ. 398, 133-144 (2008)
Oeh, U. et al.: Measurements of daily urinary uranium excretion in German peacekeeping personnel and residents of the Kosovo region to assess potential intakes of depleted uranium (DU). Sci. Total Environ. 381, 77-87 (2007)
Rava, M.* et al.: A predictive model for the home outdoor exposure to nitrogen dioxide. Sci. Total Environ. 384, 163-170 (2007)
Reithmeier, H.* ; Lazarev, V.* ; Rühm, W. & Nolte, E.*: 129I measurements in lake water for an estimate of regional 129I depositions. Sci. Total Environ. 376, 285-293 (2007)
Savinkov, A.* ; Semioshkina, N.A. ; Howard, B.J.* & Voigt, G.*: Radiostrontium uptake by plants from different soil types in Kazakhstan. Sci. Total Environ. 373, 324-333 (2007)
Giovannangelo, M.* et al.: Childhood cat allergen exposure in three European countries: The AIRALLERG study. Sci. Total Environ. 369, 82-90 (2006)