PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Schnelle-Kreis, J. ; Scherb, H. ; Gebefügi, I. ; Kettrup, A. & Weigelt, E.: Pentachlorophenol in indoor environments: Correlation of PCP concentrations in air and settled dust from floors. Sci. Total Environ. 256, 125-132 (2000)
Schramel, O. ; Michalke, B. & Kettrup, A.: Study of the copper distribution in contaminated soils of hop fields by single and sequential extraction procedures. Sci. Total Environ. 263, 11-22 (2000)
Faus-Kessler, T. ; Dietl, C.* ; Tritschler, J. & Peichl, L.: Temporal and spatial trends of metal contents of Bavarian mosses Hypnum cupressiforme. Sci. Total Environ. 232, 13-25 (1999)
Gawlik, B.M.* ; Kettrup, A. & Muntau, H.*: Characterisation of a second generation of European reference soils for sorption studies in the framework of chemical testing. Part 2: soil adsorption behaviour of organic chemicals. Sci. Total Environ. 229, 109-120 (1999)
Gawlik, B.M.* ; Bo, F.* ; Kettrup, A. & Muntau, H.*: Characterisation of a second generation of European reference soils for sorption studies in the framework of chemical testing - Part I: Chemical composition and pedological properties. Sci. Total Environ. 229, 99-107 (1999)
Meyer, I. ; Heinrich, J. & Lippold, U.*: Factors affecting lead and cadmium levels in house dust in industrial areas of eastern Germany. Sci. Total Environ. 234, 25-36 (1999)
Shinonaga, T. ; Pröhl, G. ; Müller, H. & Ambe, S.*: Experimentally determined mobility of trace elements in soybean plants. Sci. Total Environ. 225, 241-248 (1999)
Bunzl, K.W. ; Kretner, R. ; Szeles, M.S.M.F. & Winkler, R.A.: Transect survey of 238U, 228Ra, 226Ra, 210Pb, 137Cs and 40K in an agricultural soil near an exhaust ventilating shaft of a uranium mine. Sci. Total Environ. 149, 225-232 (1994)
Altschuh, J. ; Brüggemann, R. & Karcher, W.: Attempts to classify QSARs with respect to their validity : Vapour Pressure Estimation as an Example. Sci. Total Environ. Suppl.1993, 1409-1419 (1993)
Altschuh, J. ; Brüggemann, R. & Karcher, W.*: Attempts to classify QSARs with respect to their validity: vapour pressure estimation as an example. Sci. Total Environ. 134, 1409-1419 (1993)
Altschuh, J. ; Brüggemann, R. & Karcher, W.: Attempts to classify QSARs with respect to their validity: vapour pressure estimation as an example. Sci. Total Environ., 2 (1993)
Hove, K. et al.: Countermeasures for Reducing Radioactive Contamination of Farm Animals and Farm Animal Products. Sci. Total Environ. 137, 261-271 (1993)
Hove, K.* et al.: Countermeasures for reducing radioactive contamination of farm animals and farm animal products. Sci. Total Environ. 137, 261-271 (1993)
Oxynos, K. ; Schmitzer, J.L. & Kettrup, A.: Herring gull eggs as bioindicators for chlorinated hydrocarbons (contribution to the German Federal Environmental Specimen Bank). Sci. Total Environ. 139-140, 387-398 (1993)
Sajjad, M.I.* ; Tasneem, M.A.* ; Hussain, S.D.* ; Seiler, K.P. & Saiyid- Ud-Zafar, M.*: Estimation of flow velocities and salt movements in unsaturated zone using isotopic and conventional techniques. Sci. Total Environ. 138, 235-247 (1993)
Schäfer, H.C. ; Wenzel, A. ; Fritsche, U. ; Roderer, G. & Traunspurger, W.: Long-term effects of selected xenobiotica on freshwater green algae: development of a flow-through test system. Sci. Total Environ., 1 (1993)
Scheunert, I. ; Mansour, M. ; Dörfler, U. & Schroll, R.: Fate of Pendimethalin, Carbofuran, and Diazinon under Abiotic and Biotic Conditions. Sci. Total Environ. 132, 361-369 (1993)
Scheunert, I. ; Mansour, M. ; Dörfler, U. & Schroll, R.A.: Fate of pendimethalin, carbofuran and diazinon under abiotic and biotic conditions. Sci. Total Environ. 132, 361-369 (1993)
Schimmack, W. ; Bunzl, K. & Klotz, D.: Infiltration of Radionuclides with High Mobility (82Br and 95mTc) Into a Forest Soil. Effect of the Irrigation Intensity. Sci. Total Environ. 138, 169-181 (1993)