PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Rosner, G. ; Hötzl, H. & Winkler, R.A.: Effect of dry deposition, washout and resuspension on radionuclide ratios after the Chernobyl accident. Sci. Total Environ. 90, 1-12 (1990)
Bunzl, K. ; Schimmack, W. ; Kreutzer, K.E. & Schierl, R.: Interception and Retention of Chernobyl-derived 134-Cs, 137Cs and 106Ru in a Spruce Stand. Sci. Total Environ. 78, 77-87 (1989)
Pröhl, G. ; Müller, H.M. & Voigt, G.M.: The influence of the feeding practice and the season on the contamination of animal food products after a single deposition of radionuclides. Sci. Total Environ. 85, 107-117 (1989)
Voigt, G.M. et al.: Determination of the transfer of cesium and iodine from feed into domestic animals. Sci. Total Environ. 85, 329-338 (1989)
Rosner, G.: Variation of long-lived radon daughters in precipitation. Sci. Total Environ. 69, 179-190 (1988)
Jacobi, W. & Paretzke, H.G.: Risk assessment for indoor exposure to radon daughters. Sci. Total Environ. VOL. 45, 551-562 (1985)
Bunzl, K.W. ; Hötzl, H. ; Rosner, G. & Winkler, R.A.: Spatial distribution of radionuclides in soil around a coal-fired power plant: 210Pb, 210Po, 226Ra, 232Th, 40K emitted with the fly ash and 137Cs from the worldwide weapon testing fallout. Sci. Total Environ. 38, 15-31 (1984)
Bunzl, K.W. & Kracke, W.: Distribution of 210Pb, 210Po, stable lead and fallout 137Cs in soil, plants and moorland sheep of a heath. Sci. Total Environ. 39, 143-159 (1984)
Hamann, H.J. ; Iwannek, K.H. & Schramel, P.: Radiochemically determined trace element contents of pig's and cow's blood used in membrane feeding of tsetse flies. Sci. Total Environ. 17, 277-280 (1981)
Samsahl, K. & Wester, P.O.*: Metallic contamination of food during preparation and storage: Development of methods and some preliminary results. Sci. Total Environ. 8, 165-177 (1977)