PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


230 Datensätze gefunden.
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Schmid, C. ; Reichel, R.* ; Schröder, P. ; Brüggemann, N.* & Schloter, M.: 52 years of ecological restoration following a major disturbance by opencast lignite mining does not reassemble microbiome structures of the original arable soils. Sci. Total Environ. 745:140955 (2020)
Schneider, A.E. et al.: Impact of meteorological parameters on suicide mortality rates: A case-crossover analysis in Southern Germany (1990-2006). Sci. Total Environ. 707:136053 (2020)
Schulze-Makuch, D.* et al.: A chemical and microbial characterization of selected mud volcanoes in Trinidad reveals pathogens introduced by surface water and rain water. Sci. Total Environ. 707:136087 (2020)
Ssebugere, P.* et al.: Environmental levels and human body burdens of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances in Africa: A critical review. Sci. Total Environ. 739:139913 (2020)
Wang, H.* et al.: Occurrence of banned and commonly used pesticide residues in concentrated leachate: Implications for ecological risk assessment. Sci. Total Environ. 710:136287 (2020)
Zadel, U. et al.: Changes induced by heavy metals in the plant-associated microbiome of Miscanthus x giganteus. Sci. Total Environ. 711:134433 (2020)
Damialis, A. et al.: Human exposure to airborne pollen and relationships with symptoms and immune responses: Indoors versus outdoors, circadian patterns and meteorological effects in alpine and urban environments. Sci. Total Environ. 653, 190-199 (2019)
Dzhambov, A.M.* ; Markevych, I. & Lercher, P.*: Associations of residential greenness, traffic noise, and air pollution with birth outcomes across Alpine areas. Sci. Total Environ. 678, 399-408 (2019)
Grinn-Gofroń, A.* et al.: Airborne Alternaria and Cladosporium fungal spores in Europe: Forecasting possibilities and relationships with meteorological parameters. Sci. Total Environ. 653, 938-946 (2019)
Jiang, Y. et al.: Using nano-attapulgite clay compounded hydrophilic urethane foams (AT/HUFs) as biofilm support enhances oil-refinery wastewater treatment in a biofilm membrane bioreactor. Sci. Total Environ. 646, 606-617 (2019)
Jin, X. et al.: Shorter interval and multiple flooding-drying cycling enhanced the mineralization of C-14-DDT in a paddy soil. Sci. Total Environ. 676, 420-428 (2019)
Miersch, T.* et al.: Impact of photochemical ageing on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and oxygenated PAH (Oxy-PAH/OH-PAH) in logwood stove emissions. Sci. Total Environ. 686, 382-392 (2019)
Miettinen, M.* et al.: PM2.5 concentration and composition in the urban air of Nanjing, China: Effects of emission control measures applied during the 2014 Youth Olympic Games. Sci. Total Environ. 652, 1-18 (2019)
Mitchelmore, C.L.* et al.: Occurrence and distribution of UV-filters and other anthropogenic contaminants in coastal surface water, sediment, and coral tissue from Hawaii. Sci. Total Environ. 670, 398-410 (2019)
Niu, X.Z.* ; Harir, M. ; Schmitt-Kopplin, P. & Croué, J.P.*: Sunlight-induced phototransformation of transphilic and hydrophobic fractions of Suwannee River dissolved organic matter. Sci. Total Environ. 694:133737 (2019)
Omwoma, S.* et al.: Comparative exposomics of persistent organic pollutants (PCBs, OCPs, MCCPs and SCCPs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Lake Victoria (Africa) and Three Gorges Reservoir (China). Sci. Total Environ. 695:133789 (2019)
Oteros, J. et al.: Building an automatic pollen monitoring network (ePIN): Selection of optimal sites by clustering pollen stations. Sci. Total Environ. 688, 1263-1274 (2019)
Pedrazzani, R.* et al.: Opinion paper about organic trace pollutants in wastewater: Toxicity assessment in a European perspective. Sci. Total Environ. 651, 3202-3221 (2019)
Pedrazzani, R.* et al.: Opinion paper about organic trace pollutants in wastewater: Toxicity assessment in a European perspective (vol 651, pg 3202, 2019). Sci. Total Environ. 669, 1062-1062 (2019)
Picornell, A.* et al.: Predicting the start, peak and end of the Betula pollen season in Bavaria, Germany. Sci. Total Environ. 690, 1299-1309 (2019)