PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Maduabuchi, C.* ; Faye, S. & Maloszewski, P.: Isotope evidence of palaeorecharge and paleoclimate in the deep confined aquifers of the Chad Basin, NE Nigeria. Sci. Total Environ. 370, 467-479 (2006)
Morgenstern, V. ; Bischof, W.* ; Koch, A.* & Heinrich, J.: Measurements of endotoxin on ambient loaded PM filters after long-term storage. Sci. Total Environ. 370, 574-579 (2006)
Schimmack, W. & Márquez, F.F.*: Migration of fallout radiocaesium in a grassland soil from 1986 to 2001. Part II: Evaluation of the activity-depth profiles by transport models. Sci. Total Environ. 368, 863-874 (2006)
Schimmack, W. & Schultz, W.: Migration of fallout radiocaesium in a grassland soil from 1986 to 2001. Part I: Activity-depth profiles of 134Cs and 137Cs. Sci. Total Environ. 368, 853-862 (2006)
Faye, S.* et al.: Groundwater salinization in the Saloum (Senegal) delta aquife: Minor elements and isotopic indicators. Sci. Total Environ. 343, 243-259 (2005)
Vallius, M.* et al.: Sources and elemental composition of ambient PM2.5 in three European cities. Sci. Total Environ. 337, 147-162 (2005)
Wittmaack, K. ; Wehnes, H. ; Heinzmann, U. & Agerer, R.*: An overview on bioaerosols viewed by scanning electron microscopy. Sci. Total Environ. 346, 244-255 (2005)
Lewne, M.* et al.: Spatial variation in nitrogen dioxide in three European areas. Sci. Total Environ. 332, 217-230 (2004)
Niu, J.* et al.: The role of UV-B on the degradation of PCDD/Fs and PAHs sorbed on surfaces of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) needles. Sci. Total Environ. 322, 231-241 (2004)
Cyrys, J. et al.: Elemental composition and sources of fine and ultrafine ambient particles in Erfurt, Germany. Sci. Total Environ. 305, 143-156 (2003)
Yang, P.* et al.: QSPR models for physicochemical properties of polychlorinated diphenyl ethers. Sci. Total Environ. 305, 65-76 (2003)
Jontofsohn, M. et al.: Influence of nonylphenol on the microbial community of lake sediments in microcosms. Sci. Total Environ. 285, 3-10 (2002)
Moldovan, M.* et al.: Environmental risk of particulate and soluble platinum group elements released from gasoline and diesel engine catalytic converters. Sci. Total Environ. 296, 199-208 (2002)
Schneider, P. et al.: Indoor and outdoor BTX levels in German cities. Sci. Total Environ. 267, 41-51 (2001)
Taylor, P.H.* & Lenoir, D.: Chloroaromatic formation in incineration processes. Sci. Total Environ. 269, 1-24 (2001)
Taylor, P.H.* & Lenoir, D.: Cloroaromatic formation in incineration processes. Sci. Total Environ. 269, 1-24 (2001)
Cyrys, J. ; Heinrich, J. ; Richter, K.* ; Wölke, G. & Wichmann, H.-E.: Sources and concentrations of indoor nitrogen dioxide in Hamburg (west Germany) and Erfurt ( east Germany). Sci. Total Environ. 250, 51-62 (2000)
Halbach, S. et al.: Steady-state transfer and depletion kinetics of mercury from amalgam fillings. Sci. Total Environ. 259, 13-21 (2000)
Palacios, M.A.* et al.: Platinum-group elements: Quantification in collected exhaust fumes and studies of catalyst surfaces. Sci. Total Environ. 257, 1-15 (2000)